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Why Cruises Won't re-Start on November 1st, But Soon!
Knowing the insides of typical cruise operation, in addition to all the new well-known Coronavirus complications...
New Suggested Protocols Affecting Cruise Ship Crew
Since the no-sail order we've been wondering how our life will be once we go back on board, let's see the new proposed conditions.
Getting Ready to go Back Onboard, All You Need to Know
The latest information provided for Royal Caribbean Group crew regarding the process of going back to service, travel documents, medical pap
Is it a Good Time to Apply for Cruise Ships? Who's Hiring?
Which companies are hiring? What positions? When will new hires start? What if I've already been selected? Español I'll get it out of the...
Cruising Will Always be the Most Healthy Vacation Style
Most of our health and safety protocols unfold when no-one is watching, so let me tell you about them, I'm positive none of the other...
Cruise Ships to the Scrapyard, For Sale and Stopped, Crew Explains
After bumping into many sensationalist articles, I felt the need to get some trustworthy information from my ship mates to share with...
Cruise Workers Conditions upon Return, Mixed Crew Response
What will the conditions be for the first crew members to set sail again? Selection process, protocols, restrictions, will some not go back
Crew Insights on the Return To Cruising
When, how and where are we going back to cruising? Royal Caribbean plans and policies for upcoming voyages. Told by the crew! Español...
Crew Members Still at Sea after half a year since the lockdown
Who, why, where and how? The reality of those still stranded at sea 6 months after the cruise ship ban. Español First of all, it's hard...
Lockdown Self Care, Tips for Motivation and Positivity
Sharing my approach on facing the difficult conditions of being isolated and confined during lockdown, having gathered this advice as I spen
3 Month Lockdown At Sea | Crew Repatriation Efforts
As the CoViD pandemic shuts down the world, thousands of cruise ship crew members out of jobs try to make it home. A mammoth logistic effort
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