

Still Curious About Me?
> The name is Martina Aranguren
> Surname comes from Euskadi,
the Vasque Country
> I come from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
> Studied Visual Arts in high school
+ Audiovisual Design in college
> Big tech and video-game nerd
> Freelance videographer
> Currently cruise ship crew member
on board Broadcast Technician
> Dream job: Cultural Content Creator

Martina from Argentina
Audiovisual Designer
Solo Female Backpacker
Cruise Ship Crew Member
Since an early age I 've dreamt about
having an adventurous life.
Always felt the desire to immerse myself into other cultures and to navigate new wondrous landscapes.
The notion of being bound solely to the one specific context I was born into seemed incapacitating. Always wondering what potential I could discover making my horizons broader.
With that I set myself on a path with one goal:
become a citizen of the world.
In my search for a way out of the suffocating routine I ended up taking up an unusual offer presented to me and becoming a cruise ship crew member.
Little did I know this new found freedom would be impossible to give up even years later. Like a tide that takes you in and returns you only occasionally and briefly back ashore.
Currently I spend most of the year onboard, around the globe one port at a time, and my vacations are destined to visiting home with new eyes and taking out my backpack for an expedition here or there.
Travelers naturally develop a deep awareness of life.
Since wisdom is achieved solely by consciously navigating life's many wonders and, by going on the road, we put ourselves right out there hoping to encounter some transforming episode along the way.
I sincerely believe experiences are to be shared. Mainly to ignite that eye-opening spark of curiosity in others. And thus making this world a better place founded on a greater understanding of others and oneself. And that is my mission.

