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Everything You Need to Know About the C1/D Crew Member Visa
What is it? How do I get it? How much is it? How do I renew it? One of the main steps towards your career at sea.
Tramitar la Visa C1/D en 2020 Tripulantes Argentinos
Información de la Embajada Estadounidense en Argentina para los tripulantes que necesiten tramitar o renovar la visa en 2020!
Todo Sobre la Visa C1/D para Tripulantes Argentinos
Qué es? Cómo tramitarla y renovarla en la Embajada de Estados Unidos de Argentina.
Why Cruises Won't re-Start on November 1st, But Soon!
Knowing the insides of typical cruise operation, in addition to all the new well-known Coronavirus complications...
How to Avoid Cruise Ship Job Scams and Losing Money
Identify scammers and avoid paying for fraudulent costs.
Cómo evitar estafas de trabajo en cruceros, no pierdas dinero
Aprende a identificar estafadores y evita pagar costos fraudulentos.
Support for Cruise Ship Crew Members at Home
Find the resources our cruise line has put in place to support awaiting crew, financially, psychologically, and professionally.
New Suggested Protocols Affecting Cruise Ship Crew
Since the no-sail order we've been wondering how our life will be once we go back on board, let's see the new proposed conditions.
Getting Ready to go Back Onboard, All You Need to Know
The latest information provided for Royal Caribbean Group crew regarding the process of going back to service, travel documents, medical pap
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