ARE YOU WILLING TO GET VACCINATED? Royal needs to know to give you an assignment! If you respond NO you won't lose your job, but if you don't reply at all... YOU WILL!
Vaccination Intent Survey
Some crew members received an alert to submit their response no later than Friday April 7th.
NOTE: You can also update your response directly on C-Trac!
Non-response will be taken as no interest in being further employed by Royal Caribbean.
Even if you respond “No”, the company stated they are willing to work with you to send you to a ship where you don’t need to get vaccinated yet. This could be either a ship still in minimum manning, a ship whose crew is not scheduled to get vaccinated yet or perhaps even you could be part of the 2% of unvaccinated crew apparently allowed to board since the policy states a 98% of crew must be vaccinated as of right now to sail. Lastly, you could just wait it out until vaccination requirements and this pandemic are a think of the past...
Registered on C-Trac
Once your response is registered, you can check and update your intent status on C-Trac.
As always keep in mind this information changes day by day so be sure to check out the official sources like MyRCL Crew Portal, clicking on the Healthy Return to Service banner. The objective of this blog is to make the information more simple to find and understand.
Royal Crew Vaccination Plan
Royal Caribbean is encouraging crew members to get vaccinated at home if possible, up to now there’s no specified vaccine since the priority is to get everyone immunized asap.
TIP: Check if your country has a program granting priority to seamen to get their shot!
Keep in mind you need to get both doses of the vaccine, if the one you are taking has a two-dose program, before coming onboard. As soon as you complete the regime please upload proof on c-trac for the scheduling teams to be able to assign you to the best ship.
On the month of May and June all minimum manning ships are getting their operational crew vaccinated and full crew of ships returning to service to follow.
What Vaccines are being Administered?
Depending on the region and availability, crew are getting vaccinated by different manufacturers. In Miami both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson doses have been administered so far. But apparently the J&J was chosen for a ship due to embark on their crossing, Pfizer seems to be the lab of choice.
Most importantly only government and/or health entities approved covid vaccines are being administered to the Royal Caribbean crew.
Don’t forget you will receive more detailed information once onboard.
Health Attestation
What is this NEW requirement?
The Health Attestation is not the same as a Medical. It’s basically a review of your current health to analyze your risk towards contracting Coronavirus.
As you can see on the official communications, due to new medical restrictions caused by the extra dangers that Covid-19 can mean for those with pre-existing conditions, some crew members will need to review their medical condition to assess whether they are fit for duty during the pandemic.